Resources to help at home

We do not set official 'homework' tasks for children as the research on its effectiveness at Primary level is at best inconclusive.  However, we do ask that you take an interest in your child's learning journey, share any important information with us, and try to read daily with them.  We also send home spellings, wizard words and high frequency words for English and we have maths 'passports' to help children become fluent in key skills.  If you are able to look at these 'little and often' this can help your child be more confident in their learning.

We send home a 'Reading Agreement' to outline how we work together to support the development of early reading skills, and all Reception parents and carers are invited to a workshop on early reading in the Autumn Term.  Other parent/carer workshops are offered throughout the year.

Parent Workshops

Here are links to how to help you understand more about what we teach and how we teach it, and to help you help your child at home. 





Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
