SEND Information Report 2024-25

Inclusion at Downs Infants School

We are proud to be an inclusive school.  We are committed to our equalities work, and strive hard to ensure that all children make the best progress they can from their starting points.  We recognise that for some children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), even small steps of progress are a result of enormous effort, and we try to celebrate these with them.  We teach all children to value difference and to support their peers with things they find challenging.  This includes children whose SEND impacts on their behaviour.  Our message to all children is that we won't give up on helping you to overcome your challenges.  Part of our PSHE curriculum deals with this directly.

At Downs Infant School we believe that every child is entitled to equal access to the curriculum that we provide. We endeavour to ensure equal access for all our pupils through appropriate planning, teaching, monitoring and assessment of the curriculum and through appropriate adaptation of the learning and physical environment as necessary.



Mrs Amy Flitton is our INCo.  Her e-mail is

If your child has SEND and you are considering Downs Infant School for them, please do get in touch.  The earlier we are able to talk about your child's needs the better we can support them.  If you have a complaint about the way in which support for your child's SEN has been provided, please refer to our SEN Information Report and Policy and then follow our Complaints policy both found here.

SEND Report 2023-2024

SEND Nutshell Updates


Brighton & Hove City Council Local Offer information


As a welcoming, inclusive school, we take our responsibilities to promote equality very seriously. We are committed to ensuring that no-one in the school community is treated less favourably for reasons of their age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy or maternity.  We aim to have due regard for these protected characteristics in developing our school policies and practices, and details of our actions to improve our work in this area are detailed on our annual equalities reports (see below).

We have a named governor for Equalities: Tony Fallowfield. She can be contacted via the school office.

Equalities Reports