This term (Spring 2024) we are learning all about Transport for our OCOW project. We will be thinking all about the ways that we move around our world, and the effect that these movements can have on our environment. 

The challenges to do at home this year so far are: 

1. Can you travel in a more environmentally friendly way for one week? Tell us what you did differently and what you liked about it!

2. Can you draw a pictogram (or a picture) of different methods of transport you see on your road? We wonder what your findings will be!

3. (Reception) Can you count how many trees are on your street or in your local area? If you would like to draw a picture of your favourite tree, we would love to see your picture!

(Year 1/2) Can you count how many trees are on your street or in your local area? Can you investigate the impact trees have on absorbing CO2 from cars and buses? Tell us what you find out! 

These challenges can also be found on Tapestry, uploaded every week!

Here are some of the responses we have had to our challenges!

OCOW Transport Challenges

Transport Assembly 1