Our school/trust is committed to having an active board that is diverse and inclusive and reflective of the community we serve. We do not publish this on the website due to small numbers and the protection of individual identities.  However, more information is available upon request from the school office.


Governors work with senior leaders in the strategic development of the school and in raising standards of achievement. Duties include setting the school's vision, aims & objectives approving the school budget and appointing the headteacher.

Governors must both support and challenge the headteacher, so need to gain an understanding of the school's overall performance in order to explain its decisions and actions. They do this by attending regular meetings, carrying out school visits and meeting with senior leaders.  They also attend training in order to keep up to date with the requirements of their role. Governors work as a team and make collective decisions.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact the Clerk to Governors on 01273 296868 for more information. 

The details of our Chair of Govenors, Tony Fallowfield, are available by request from the School Office.

Email: admin@downsinf.brighton-hove.sch.uk or telephone 01273 099854.

Who are we

Anita Bullock

Anita Bullock

Vice-Chair Co-opted Governor
Pronouns: She/Her

I have been a school governor for many years, initially as a teacher governor and then as headteacher governor in a number of schools in both Brighton and Hove and West Sussex. More recently I was a local authority adviser in West Sussex and my role there included supporting schools to improve and leading governor training across the authority. I have seen numerous changes to education during my working life, but I still believe passionately in the power of education to improve life chances and to provide opportunities for choice for children and young people. As a co-opted governor I am committed to doing my best to support the team at Downs Infant School to achieve the best possible outcomes for pupils and families in the community.

Susan Campbell

Susan Campbell

Co-opted Governor
Pronouns: She/Her

I have worked at a senior level at major retail head offices over a 35-year career. My expertise is in financial planning, forecasting and managing and developing teams of people. I have lived in Fiveways for 30 years and both my grown-up children attended Downs Infant school. I am really enjoying being involved with the school which has been such a big part of our family life and am delighted to provide support for the team at Downs Infants.

Kirsty Cargill

Kirsty Cargill

Associate Governor, Assistant Headteacher
Pronouns: She/Her

Kirsty is an Associate Governor which means she contributes her knowledge of the school and education, without voting rights.

Sandy Connors

Sandy Connors

Co-opted Governor
Pronouns: She/Her

I moved to Brighton 9 years ago and love the vibrant city for its diversity and sense of community. I have been working in education for the last 25 years, as a specialist in student support and safeguarding, working in senior leadership roles for FE colleges, private independent schools and universities. Now in semi-retirement, I am enjoying putting my experience to good use as a school governor with a focus on safeguarding.

Tony Fallowfield

Tony Fallowfield

Pronouns: He/Him

Tony has supported a son and grandson with SEND through their school journey and is one of the governors working with staff to improve the life chances of disadvantaged children. He is also passionate about sport and works with the school on PE and Sports expenditure. No business or financial interests No governance roles in other schools

Adam Golding

Adam Golding

Owl Class Teacher, Assistant Staff Governor
Pronouns: He/Him

Gill Hammett

Gill Hammett

Parent Governor
Pronouns: She/Her

I am a former infant school teacher and mother of four. My youngest child is currently in Year 2 at Downs Infants. The Downs Infants community is a really special one, and having been so fortunate to have had four children attend such a wonderful school, I was keen to give something back. School plays such a vital role in children’s early years, I really wanted to support the school to continue its excellent provision. I have been a Governor at Downs Infant School since October 2019.

Clare Kingan

Clare Kingan

Staff Governor
Pronouns: She/Her

Clare is a member of the SEN team at Downs Infants.

Denise Kong

Denise Kong

Clerk to Governors
Pronouns: She/Her

I have a background in maths and work in IT for East Sussex County Council and I am a clerk at two schools in East Sussex. I am a governor and chair of governors at two other East Sussex schools. I have been a governor since 2010. I am interested in all areas of governance, and have held various link roles, including safeguarding, special educational needs and training.

Catherine MacKenzie

Catherine MacKenzie

Co-opted Governor
Pronouns She/Her

Catherine is a parent governor at Downs Infant School, having joined the governing board over the summer of 2024. She is a mother of two children - the youngest has recently started in Reception and her eldest is now at Downs Junior School having benefitted from a brilliant start to her education at the infant school. Catherine works in the charity sector, primarily in corporate partnerships in the humanitarian/international development sector, and has also worked in educational charities supporting schools in the UK.

Joe McKechnie

Joe McKechnie

Co-opted Governor
Pronouns: He/Him

I have lived in Brighton my whole life having gone through the school system here before attending the London Institute of Banking & Finance university. For the past 5 years I have worked at Barclays Wealth Management advising clients on Banking, Investments and Financial Planning, helping with cash flow planning and budgeting. From a personal perspective, I have a 4-year-old step-daughter and really enjoying seeing her grow and learning something new every day. I am now looking to use these experiences to work with the wonderful Teachers, Staff and Governor Team to maintain and elevate our Schools standards.

Bronagh Shevlin

Bronagh Shevlin

L.A. Governor
Pronouns: She/Her

I first came to Brighton from Northern Ireland in 1982 to study at the Grand Parade site and I’m still here! I began teaching at Dorothy Stringer School in 1994 and although I have now retired from teaching, I still work at the school. I was a Staff Governor there for eight years. I am very much looking forward to transferring my experience from a secondary educational setting to Downs Infants School, and now as a grandparent I’m particularly interested in early years education.

Emma Smith

Emma Smith

Parent Governor
Pronouns: She/Her

Emma is a mother of three who grew up in Brighton. With her youngest child due to start the infants in 2024, Emma felt it was time to give something back to the school that taught and nurtured her oldest two children. Emma has worked in children’s media and publishing for over 10 years and more recently has focused on educational publishing. Emma’s special interests include literacy and attainment.

Mrs Lisa Walker

Mrs Lisa Walker

Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Pronouns: She/Her

I am the Headteacher Governor at Downs Infant School. I have been the Interim Head here since January 2024 and it’s an honour to be able to support such a wonderful school during this period in which the Governors recruit a substantive head. Prior to joining Downs Infants, I worked as the Interim Head at St. Pancras Catholic Primary School in Lewes, following six years as Deputy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead at Southover CE Primary School, also in Lewes. During my teaching career, I have worked in Brighton & Hove, West Sussex, Dorset, and a brief period overseas. I am passionate about creating life-long teaching and learning opportunities for all (children and adults). I will never tire of the awe and wonder that we see in the children every day. I’m a proud mum of two daughters and in my spare time I enjoy running on the South Downs and fine dining.

Governor Roles

Termly Governors Newsletters

Governance Information

Who are school governors and what do they do?

There are over 300,000 school governors in England and they form the largest volunteer force in the country.  Their role is to work with the headteacher and senior leadership team in raising school standards.  Duties include setting policies & objectives, approving the school budget and appointing & supporting the headteacher.  Governing bodies work as a team – decisions are not made by individuals.  Governors come from all walks of life and fall into different categories – staff, parent, community, foundation and authority governors. 

Do I need to have a child at a school?

You do if you are applying for a parent governor role, but otherwise you just need to have enthusiasm, an interest in the welfare of children and a willingness to learn.  You must also be prepared to contribute to discussions and offer challenge and support to the headteacher.

What is the time commitment?

Governing bodies usually meet together once or twice a term.  There are also committee meetings to attend (eg curriculum, personnel, premises or finance).  If you do have a particular expertise, this is where your skills could go to good use.  You may also volunteer to be a ‘link governor’, to work alongside a member of staff who has a specific responsibility – eg Special Educational Needs.  The time commitment varies between governors and schools, but you can expect to spend around six to eight hours per month on your duties. 

Is training provided?

Brighton & Hove’s Governor Support Team provides phone advice and guidance to clerks and governors, as well as induction and further training – all this is free of charge.  There are also regular briefings to update you on national and local developments.

What’s in it for me?

You will gain some valuable experiences that will have an impact on your personal and professional life.  You will meet new people, develop teamwork skills and learn more about how schools work.  You could gain experience of budget setting, interviewing for staff or developing policies.  If you eventually become a Chair of Governors, we provide support and training to develop your leadership skills and confidence.

Above all, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a real difference to the development of children, young people, their school and the community.

What should I do next?

For an informal chat and to find out which schools have vacancies, contact:

Brighton & Hove Governor Support Team

Telephone:  01273 293 465

Email: governor.support@brighton-hove.gov.uk