How do I apply for a place at Downs Infant School?
Brighton and Hove Council makes the arrangements for the admission of children to this school. Full information on arrangements for admission to schools in Brighton and Hove is contained in a booklet entitled ‘School Admissions in Brighton & Hove' available on-line at
A paper copy can be requested from:
The School Admissions Team Brighton and Hove Council Children and Young People’s Trust PO Box 2503 King's House Grand Avenue Hove BN3 2SU
Tel: (01273) 293653
If the school is oversubscribed places are allocated to children in accordance with the following list of priorities:
1) Children in the care of a local authority or who were previously in care
2) Children with compelling medical or other exceptional reasons for attending the school (with supporting independent professional evidence).
(3) Sibling link - Children who in September of that year will have a brother or sister at the school or at a linked junior school (Downs Junior School in our case).
(4) Children transferring between a linked infant and junior school, subject to dates.This priority only applies at Junior transfer.
(5) Other children
If it should be necessary to decide between children within any of these priority groups, this will be done by giving the places to those children who live closest to the school. There is no ‘catchment area’. The Local Authority applies specific software to determine home-to-school distance.