This term (Summer 2024) we are learning all about Water for our OCOW project. We will be thinking all about the ways that we use water, where water comes from and how we can protect the incredibly precious sources of water that our wonderful world provides us.
The challenges to do at home for Summer 1 are:
1. Please help your children to engage in the challenge at home by watering plants: Let them help water indoor plants using a small watering can or spray bottle. Show them how to be gentle and not to spill water unnecessarily.
2. Modelling Behaviour: Demonstrate water-saving habits yourself, such as turning off taps promptly, and narrate what you’re doing so they can learn by example. Challenge them to turn off the tap while brushing their teeth or washing their hands, and see how much water they can save over a week.
3. Bucket Collecting: Encourage your children to collect rainwater in a bucket or old milk bottle and use it to water plants or for other outdoor activities. You can also save the collected rainwater for next week's challenge!
4. Did you save your collected rainwater from last week? If so, you can use it over your holiday time to create some water art: support your children to create art using only a small cup of water, teach them to use water sparingly while still having fun.
You can add a little paint to the water and blow it along the page with a straw, then add eyes, arms and legs to create little characters.
The challenges to complete for Summer 2 are:
Week 1- Water Conservation Pledge: Have each child make a personal pledge to save water. This can be a written pledge or a drawing.
Week 2 - Dishwashing Challenge: Teach children to help with dishwashing by filling a basin with water instead of running the tap continuously.
Week 3 - Toothbrush Timer: Provide children with a sand timer or a fun song to play while brushing their teeth, encouraging them to turn off the tap during brushing.
Week 4 - Water Conservation Stories: Encourage children to write and / draw their own stories or comic strips about water-saving superheroes and their adventures.
Week 5 - Story Time: Read books or stories about water conservation to instill the importance of saving water.
Below are some pictures of children from our school completing the challenges above: